Friday, December 28, 2007

2007: Top 10 design articles

Based on the total number of views received during 2007, here are the top ten most popular Design Articles on this year (URL links are to the Embedded TechSearch engine containing a full listing for each part in the article series highlighted):

#1. The basics of embedded programming, by Wayne Wolf. This highly popular series covered all aspects of programming on embedded systems, from the basics of using C on microcontrollers, program design and analysis all the way to software test and validation.

#2. Building Bare-Metal ARM Systems with GNU by Miro Samek. In this intensively how to series of ten articles the author takes you step by through the process of developing embedded control designs on the ARM processor using the GNU open source tool chain, complete with the source code in both C and C++.

#3. Common multicore programming problems by Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts. This hands-on series of four articles takes embedded developers through many of the common programming issues in multicore designs and how to solve them.

#4. Making the transition from sequential to implicit parallel programming by Rishiyur Nikhil and Arvind. Despite the common view that a parallel programming model for programming multiprocessors is 5 to 10 years away, in this eight part series, the authors delve into all the alternative approaches to to addressing the issue.

#5. Doing C-code unit testing on a shoestring, by Ark Khasin. In this informative three part series the author takes the programmer through the various ways to use the pre-processor in any standards-compliant C compiler for unit testing of software programs.

#6. Using Direct Memory Access effectively in media-based embedded applications by David Katz and Rick Gentile. In this four part series, the authors delve into the basics of direct memory access and how it can be used effectively in many embedded multimedia systems.

#7. The challenges of next-gen multicore networks-on-chip systems by Luca Benini and Giovanni De Michelli. This series of seven articles describe the architectural, programming and debug challenges of next-generation heterogeneous multicore networks-on-chip designs.

#8. The basics of embedded multitasking on a PIC by Gamal Ali Labib. In this three part series, the author provided details on how to do multitasking on the Microchip PIC18F452 microcontroller including pre-emptive and re-entrant multitasking and how to pack programs for tasks.

#9. Using block diagrams as a system design "language" by Tim Wescott. In a two-part article this long time Embedded Systems Design contributor describes how to use block diagrams as a system design language for control systems analysis and design.

#10. Tricks and techniques for performance tuning your embedded system using patterns by Peter Barry and Gerard Harnett. In this three part series the authors share some of the tricks and techniques they have picked up from their experience with real-life embedded systems they have designed.

These are the selections you made by voting with your browser. Such information is factored into our decision making about what Design Articles we will select to run on and in Embedded Systems Design next year. But I am open to hearing from you via email at with your opinions about what you would like to see - and what you would like to contribute.

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